Rogue’s Amazing Word Rush (RAWR)
October kicks off our big writing challenge! VIEW MORE INFORMATION HERE
October kicks off our big writing challenge! VIEW MORE INFORMATION HERE
Begin planning now! During the last week of RAWR, we're holding a Rogue Writers Character Costume Party! Each writer will choose a character from their story and dress up like them! These can be a full, extravagant costumes, or simply a hat, shoes, or a pendant. You can make it silly, or take it seriously!…
November kicks off the second leg of our big writing challenge! VIEW MORE INFORMATION HERE
Led by WalkingKatastrophe Sometimes you're in the zone and writing along and then boom, it comes to a halt in the middle of a scene. What do you do next? In this workshop we'll break down the walls holding us back and get our scenes back on track! 11AM Pacific/7PM GMT