October kicks off Rogue’s Amazing Word Rush — RAWR! —
the annual writing event hosted by Rogue Writers that challenges people
to write a novel or complete a writing project in 31 days.
What is the RAWR challenge?
RAWR is a writing challenge that encourages participants to complete a writing-related project in 31 days.
A November extension stretches the challenge to 61 days (more information at the bottom of this page).
What genres are allowed? Who can participate?
All genres are welcome. Along with novels, participants may write biographies, graphic novels, poetry, fanfic, scripts, game campaigns, short stories, and more. Read our Mission and Values for more information.
The Rogue Writers Discord Server is for members only. You may read more information about the Rogue Writers Network and decide whether you would like to join our community. You are also welcome to participate on your own! #WRITERAWR is the official RAWR social media hashtag.
Flexible Challenge Goals
Challengers will choose one of the following 5 word count goals:
- 25k Words
- 50k Words
- 75k Words
- 100k+ Words
- Custom/Time-Based Goal
Each goal type is represented by an Elemental Emu Egg (designed by Wyld).
Achievement Badges
As you progress through the month, you’ll claim these badges (designed by Wyld).
Badges will be available as Discord roles and downloadable graphics.
Group Goal Tracking with TrackBear
- For group tracking, the Rogue Writers will use TrackBear.
- Rogue Writers Leaderboard Link
- Leaderboard Code: ae8043c6-6b23-49e0-bd26-7f4b29afe9fd
- TrackBear can import your past NaNoWriMo projects!
- Additional options for individual tracking are listed on our website’s Writing Tools page.
Shifty McGee’s Torch Relay
Rogue’s Character Costume Party
From October 25th through October 31st.
Wear something that your character would wear!
Read About Rogue’s Character Costume Party
Prizes and Recognition
Challengers who win RAWR are rewarded with self-satisfaction, digital certificates, and social media graphics for bragging spreading the word. Rogue Writers is working to secure exclusive discounts for writing-related services, but we can make no promises for these at this time.
And More!
- Word Wars — led by a team of Sprint Heathens on Discord.
- Dice Rolls & Card Draws — our Story Oracles will roll Story Dice and draw Tarot Cards to inspire you along the way.
- Daily Writing Prompts — we’ll post prompts with general themes (and spooky ones, too).
- A Holistic Approach — we’ll share tips for Writerly Wellness, Motivation, Focus, Writing Spaces, and more.
- Swag — Yes, there will be swag! However, StickerMule pulled some weird political shenanigans, so we had to find another source for stickers and such. The swag store will launch by (or before) September 25th, though some items will not be available until mid-October.
- In-Person Events? Participants are welcome to host in-person RAWR events. However, these events will be unofficial and hosted independent of Rogue Writers.
- Revising and Editing Overlap — Drafting will overlap with Revising and Editing to provide a gentle ramping-off after the challenge and ample support throughout the full writing process. November Workshops will be similar to Preptember’s, with less emphasis on story planning and more on writing style.
November Extension
Rogue Writers recognizes that most first drafts are not completed in the span of one month, even if a writer has met their word count goal. Therefore, we offer an extension that allows participants to stretch the challenge to two months (61 days), from October through November.
- Participants may also choose to write in November instead of October, and tackle the challenge in just 30 days.
- November writers are welcome to join us for all RAWR events, including Rogue’s Character Costume Party, and then jump into the challenge in November!